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Dany joined 3GDesign in the early part of 1996. He is a quite talented musician, let down only by his laziness. He is also a bit of a whizz with everything, ranging from electronics and computers to videos and music. For the moment Dany plays in a band but as he thinks that the band is eating up too much of his spare time so he is considering to quit. According to himself he prefers to play solo as this gives him greater artistic freedom. He would also like a record contract for himself but if that doesn't happen he wouldn't turn down a chance to make the background music for the Spice Girls, although he wouldn't want to be mentioned by name on the cover (pretty darn understandable! -webm.). That's about it, nothing more to tell really. Except the usual self-promotion which we always add to the end of these descriptions.
Short, boasting description: Dany is a very good person who always dresses neatly, a thing which really bugs X-Regulus. He is funny and megasexy. He also has a strange fetish for vaseline and mopping.
Platform: Amiga and PC.
Function: Musician
Email: [email protected]

PS: Dany isn't a nazi allthough he wears a nazi army symbol around his neck in the picture on the right. (He hasn't worn it since he found out that the nazis used it)

Burke - Frey - X-Regulus - Yoshi - Magma

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