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Burke is 3GDesigns latest member. After hanging out with X-Regulus and Dany for some time and faithfully attending the "Juhla 5" party with X-Regulus and later "Assembly '98" with both Dany and X-R. he was asked to join. His first initiative was to take over the demanding job of hosting the official 3GDesign website. Burke is also a real 'movie-nut' he likes to both watch and make movies. He and Dany has made some rather succesfull films (mainly documentary) lately and more will hopefully follow.
According to some 3GD members Burke is a big person (symbolically, I think. -Webm.) and a real pervert. He is not ashamed of his sexuality and is therefore considered gay(nothing has been proven though), or at least bi-sexual. He is also funny, witty and megasexy.
Platform: PC and Amiga.
Function: Webmaster, Designer and head of "Fucked up productions".
Email: [email protected] and Uss. Endeavour handle: Burke.

Dany - Frey - X-Regulus - Yoshi - Magma

Copyright � 3GDesign Finland, 1998. Webmaster: Burke (Email: [email protected]).
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