Assembly '97 Party description ------------------------------ Written by: Dany (1998) Edited by: Burke (1998) In 1997, when I (Dany) joined 3rd Generation(later 3GDesign), we attended Assembly '97. I had previosly visited Assembly'95 on my own, or actually with my mother, and X-Regulus had previously attended Assembly '96 with Yoshi. Assembly'97 was a totally new experience for me but for X-Regulus it was nothing out of the ordinary. We had some problems getting our computers there so we left them home. It was my parents fault who did not want me to take their car because they needed it. So there we where, with no computers...booring! Then I got the brilliant idea that I would go back home and get my computer. So I took the first train to Karjaa, went home to Mustio, packed my Amiga and back again on the train to Assembly. When I arrived at Pasila X-Regulus was supposed to meet me there to help me carry my Amiga (I have a tower amiga) and the rest of my stuff (monitor etc). But there was no sign of him, so I waited and waited. When it finally became clear to me that he would not come, I started carrying my stuff to the party-place all by myself!! I was quite mad at X-Regulus! I could'nt carry it all in one go, so I had to carry part of my things a bit forward and leave it there and then fetch the rest of my stuff. It took ages to carry my things to Assembly!When I finally got there I was really tired and my whole body ached! X-Regulus just laughed at me when I told him what I had been through! I felt like I could strangle him with my mouse-cord! But I didn't. Well, now the fun could begin beacuse I had my lovely Amiga to play with! X-Regulus had bought a computer from some Orange member so we were both equipped with a computer, real nice! We drank a lot of coke and pommac. Somehow I managed to spend over 800 FIM on food, but I was really hungry! X-Regulus spent his money on a computer, food, cigarettes and a couple of CD-Roms with pornographic material. It was quite difficult for me to get any sleep the first night. X-Regulus had no problems sleeping, but then of course he is a walking sleepmachine, because he can sleep anywhere at any time. I slept in a chair with my head on a pillow on my Amiga. X-Regulus slept over two chairs. The second night I went to sleep to my brothers ex-girlfriends house in Helsinki. It was quite nice. When I came there they all (my brother, his ex-girlfriend, his ex-girlfriends sister and his ex-girlfriends sisters husband)where very nice to me and I felt right at home. We drank some wine and talked about Assembly. Then I got to sleep in a huge bed and it felt REALLY NICE after that uncomfortable chair. In the morning I took a shower, brushed my teeth, changed my underwear, brushed my hair and got some breakfast. I almost felt sorry for X-Regulus who had to sleep on those uncomfortable chairs. When I got back to the party I found X-Regulus sleeping under the big screen. When the party was over, my brother drove us home in his car. X-Regulus slept most of the way home. We really had a great time at Assembly '97. (Copyright 3GDesign 1998)