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- I added a couple of lines to Dany's description as he has been complaining about how short it is compared to the others. ;)
-Burke, 1998

- I've added an counter to the opening page. The page got 20 hits in one night... Pretty good i guess?
-Burke, 1998

- I have made some small cosmetic changes to the section. More to come this tuesday.
The 64K intro, Peace and a Psychedelic Blowjob, was finished last wednesday. It's the best we've made yet. Now we only need a party to release it on. Maybe "The Party 8"... ;)
-Burke, 1998

- I have added pictures of me, X-Regulus and Dany to the members page.
Check it out!
Pictures of the rest of 3GDesign will be available soon.
The intro, "Peace and a Psychedelic Blowjob", should be finished tomorrow provided that Dany gets the music converted allright. (We have had some problems with converting Amiga Octamed modules to PC XM format, the samples don't sound right after the conversion. If anyone knows a solution to this problem please email Dany.)
-Burke, 1998

- Yesterday I and Dany re-scanned the pictures for the members section. As we didn't have any disks on hand I e-mailed the pictures to myself so that I could continue work at home. Well now a day has gone by and there is still no sign of the pictures. It's things like this that can really make you hate computers. On the plus side I have made some changes to the members section. Hope you like it!
-Burke, 1998

- We have encountered further delays concerning the pictures for the members section. The disk Dany gave me was broken and I couldn't recover any information from it. I hope I will have the pictures tomorrow though.
-Burke, 1998

- Nothing especially new on the site yet. I had planned to put some pictures of the 3GDesign crew on the members page, but as Dany forgot to take the pictures with him there is nothing I can do.
-Burke, 1998

- Huge improvements have been made to the site:
  • The NEWS section is now up-to-date! (as you can see ;)
  • The section is almost complete, it's only missing pictures of the members. They will be added as soon as possible. (Believe it or not, but many of 3GDesigns members are not as photogenic as you'd think ;)
  • The PRODUCTS page is now also up-to-date.
  • USS. ENDEAVOUR info can now be found on the corresponding page.
  • Only the LINKS page is still under construction. But the plan is to fill it with links to Scene sites.
Also some progress has been made on the 64K Intro project. The name of the intro will, at least for now, be: Peace and a Psychedelic Blowjob.
-Burke, 1998

- 3GDesign has, on the initiative of X-Regulus, started to work on a new 64Kb intro, codenamed: "Flower Power".
X-Regulus will do the code while Dany will make the music, Burkes job is to write a good text for the intro.
-Burke, 1998

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